Showing posts with label Bonsai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bonsai. Show all posts
Beautiful and unique houseplants for home interior
houseplants gives beauty and unique bacgrounnd. For the concept of a unique and beautiful home. you must have the creative ideas when managing your home, there are many ways you can do, such as adding a houseplants  for interior or exterior home or make something unique from wood, stone etc. There are many creative ideas will give you inspiration, an example if we usually see only the houseplants or plants in pots or in the yard, so this time creativehozz will show and share some unique pictures of plants specifically for ornaments. Some of these samples we took from various sources and then we add a little opinion or series of words that are easily. images source: pinterest.

unique ornamental plants in pots glass and very natural

 change cups into a tiny flower pots, creative ideas may be taken from the inspiration of a cup of tea with flower alloy heee,,,, however, this is a creative idea to give a little inspiration to me and maybe you too.

you probably has been knew this one plant? This is bonsai, typical chinese plant. This plant is very popular in some countries, until around the world. many collectors are willing to pay the price is very expensive to buy this ornamental plant. maybe you can join here pinterest There are many types of bonsai . and bonsai prices also vary find out more info about the type of bonsai you can simply read here!

This very impressive and very creative, I never thought to do this at home. This creations are very unique and inexpensive. all you need are a pot of glass and some natural stone and then take the simple water plants ... let's do it at home!!

Glass pot plants very beautiful

Photo Credit energy.korea

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